poker29's Blog
Posted over 7 years

Well unlike the movies, the Poker players cannot buy more chips while a hand is in progress. Virtually all poker games are played 'Table Stakes'. Only what is on the table plays for the current hand. When dealing any poker game the dealer's nightmare' is what to do when a player doesn't have enough chips to cover the other bets because who will pay for the pots to win. It is the dealers job to see and check the exact amount of the poker bet on the center table. It is also for the dealers to check all chips must stay on the table until a player leaves. Chips cannot be removed to be brought out later after the poker game.

Understand that sometimes it is easiest to figure what the short player has in the Poker game. Other times it is easiest to calculate how much they are short because you can see it in their chips. The third scenario is to just match the chips colors and do no math. Whatever is easiest for you is the best way to check your opponents chips in hand. This is really about chips by the color. Often it is easiest to just make equal stacks, rather than do the math in counting the poker chips.
Poker - How to Figure Out Poker Side Pots

Well unlike the movies, the Poker players cannot buy more chips while a hand is in progress. Virtually all poker games are played 'Table Stakes'. Only what is on the table plays for the current hand. When dealing any poker game the dealer's nightmare' is what to do when a player doesn't have enough chips to cover the other bets because who will pay for the pots to win. It is the dealers job to see and check the exact amount of the poker bet on the center table. It is also for the dealers to check all chips must stay on the table until a player leaves. Chips cannot be removed to be brought out later after the poker game.

Understand that sometimes it is easiest to figure what the short player has in the Poker game. Other times it is easiest to calculate how much they are short because you can see it in their chips. The third scenario is to just match the chips colors and do no math. Whatever is easiest for you is the best way to check your opponents chips in hand. This is really about chips by the color. Often it is easiest to just make equal stacks, rather than do the math in counting the poker chips.
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Blog Post History
- Poker - How to Figure Out Poker Side Pots written over 7 years ago