KangaMoms Activity Feed kangamoms.com This feed will quickly show you what has recently happened on KangaMoms without having to login. en-us linkbuildingmichelle blogged over 6 years Link Building 4 - How to Protect your Computer From Viruses When Link Building <span>Backlinks play an important role in the world of search engine optimization of</span><a href="http://lease-a-seo.com/"><span> link building. </span></a><span>Banklink research can pave the way to having a virus-infected computer. You’ll never know whether your competitors unknowingly gathered links from websites that release spyware and other nasty software infections. It’s possible for these websites to have long been ditched by their own owners, making the sites a breeding ground for computer viruses. The common viruses includes blogs and directories.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </span><img alt="" title="virus" src="http://linkbuilding.net/files/2010/10/virus.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" /><br /> <br /> <br /> michellenoblefranca@yahoo.com (linkbuildingmichelle) Mon Feb 28 09:53:01 UTC 2011 http://en.kangamoms.com/profiles/378-linkbuildingmichelle/blogs/168-link-building-4---how-to-protect-your-computer-from-viruses-when-link-building http://en.kangamoms.com/profiles/378-linkbuildingmichelle/blogs/168-link-building-4---how-to-protect-your-computer-from-viruses-when-link-building